Okay, this is not a picture, it's a doll plaque I made to memorialize the day Eric and I met because there are no pictures of us that I have from the Sci-Fi convention we met at ! So sue me! I made the plaque at Moon Dolls.
This is the first picture I have of Eric and I as a couple. My sister took it on Christmas morning, 1987. She set up the picture perfectly with me sitting in Eric's lap and the tree and everything...but the film was bad and made everything look so dark...including my hair, which is not black or dark brown, but in the winter (before I started going grey and having to color it) used to be a medium auburn color. Eric's hair was not THAT dark brown either and our tree was a blue spruce. I tried fixing this picture with filters in a photo program but all the filters and hue and saturation changes just made it look worse. Anyway, this picture also looks MUCH better in the original, but for some reason my scanner tends to scan glossy photos darker than they really are.

Anyway, I put this picture in because I remember how sweet Eric was to my Mom and Sis that day and how sweet when we went over to his place later to celebrate Christmas and exchange gifts. Wasn't he a total babe?  For those anime fans who are visiting my pages, doesn't he look like a total bishie? He was (and still is) so cute with those big blue eyes and long lashes! I wish I had a better picture of us during our first couple of months together, but I don't. Still I think you can see the happiness in our faces. I was soooo happy that day to have such a wonderful boyfriend to celebrate Christmas with!

Eric's probably going to kill me when he sees I put this picture up. He did it on one of our trips to Las Vegas.  I forget which year.  Anyway, I think he looks GREAT in this picture, but how many times have you seen such a sweet smile and gaze from a barbarian fighter like that? I bet the only fighting he'd have to do is fighting off the women!

This site was created by Owlfriend, 2002-2004, and I hold all rights to its contents except where noted that someone else's artwork is being used for web design purposes. Also, any linked site (except my own sites) rights belong to their respective owners--I am only linking them for the visitor's enjoyment.