My sister took this picture of Eric and I while we were visiting her in Texas on Memorial Day weekend, 1995.  This day we had gone to San Antonio, and this picture was taken somewhere in the Alamo.
Eric and I went to Hawaii for the first time in 1997. During the portion of our trip at The Big Island, his mom, half-sister, husband, and niece and nephew joined us for a week. I took this picture of Eric and his family before we went into a Luau. Eric is in the back right part of the picture standing next to his Mom. You can tell where he got those big eyes and good looks!  
This picture was taken in the fall of 1998 when Eric was invited to play guitar at a wedding of two friends of ours.  This time (Hmph!) he actually did get dressed up in the Rennaissance clothes that was the theme of the wedding. Eric used to be in a band before I "officially" met him (see the section "Our Love Story"), and plays both acoustic and electric guitar.
Wait! What is this? It's not Eric or Simone!  It's ME Modi-bird! Let me say that I love Eric too, but I'm really getting irritatted that Simone is paying MUCH more attention to Eric than ME lately...she's been sooo busy trying to make this Valentine for Eric that she didn't get me one! Oh, I guess I'll forgive her for now, being a female parrot, I know what it is like when one is in love....

This site was created by Owlfriend, 2002-2004, and I hold all rights to its contents except where noted that someone else's artwork is being used for web design purposes. Also, any linked site (except my own sites) rights belong to their respective owners--I am only linking them for the visitor's enjoyment.