This was a song that Eric and I wrote together after we had only been dating for about six weeks. He wrote the music and I wrote the lyrics.
(Drum, slow beat to lead into melody)

What will you be to me?

What will you be to me?

I've got to know what you will be to me...

(start guitar here with drums fading some, keyboard comes up)

I've always known the future

Of other loves before

But now the veil has lowered

And I see no more.

The one time that it matters

My gifts leave me bereft

I'm groping like a blind man

Only faith is left.

(Different melody here--very little drums if any)

But your love for me is stonger

Than any doubts or fears

With gentle words you calm me

And stop the flow of unshed tears.


What will you be to me?

What will you be to me?

I need to know what you will be to me...

(Guitar solo)

(Back to key melody)

Please wrap me in your strong arms

And tell me how you feel

I've wanted you forever

But I can't believe you're real.

No precious gift as this

Has ever come my way

I'm so afraid of losing you

Will love fade away?

(Secondary melody again)

But your love for me is stronger

Than my fears of the unknown

You give me strength in battle

Though the shadows are my own.

(Final chorus then fade)

What will you be to me?

What will you be to me?

I need to know what you will be to me

This site was created by Owlfriend, 2002-2004, and I hold all rights to its contents except where noted that someone else's artwork is being used for web design purposes. Any poetry on this site was written by me and is my original work. All the poems on this site were written between 1987-2001. Although I can't transcribe the music, Eric Washburn has copyrighted music to these lyrics, and so the music rights belong to him. Also, any linked site (except my own sites) rights belong to their respective owners--I am only linking them for the visitor's enjoyment.