The poems on these pages are my "Verbal Kisses" to Eric written over many years
They immediately wanted to hold hands,

And when they hugged,

Their magic wrapped around them

And shut out the outside world

Even time seemed to forget them.

When they could speak aloud no longer

There were no uncomfortable moments.

For then their Souls began to converse silently

Of things that could not be understood

When expressed in frail words.

When they kissed,

It was as if they were picking up

Where they had last left off.

Whenever, wherever they were.

Whatever, whoever they had been.

When they made love

The physical expression only amplified

What had already been shared in other ways.

They played in gentle abandon

Relishing exchanged sensual delights.

When she lay beside him

Drifting off to sleep to the rhythm of his breathing,

She felt her soul diffuse

And mingle with his in his slumbering body.

And she realized she had unknowingly become linked to another

And had been for a long time.

This site was created by Owlfriend, 2002-2004, and I hold all rights to its contents except where noted that someone else's artwork is being used for web design purposes. Any poetry on this site was written by me and is my original work. All the poems on this site were written between 1987-2001. Also, any linked site (except my own sites) rights belong to their respective owners--I am only linking them for the visitor's enjoyment.